Agents [crypto]


Our competitors are recruiting delivery guys. I heard they were using a very weird task to test the applicants. See what you can do about it.

nc 9543


Does AES in OFB mode, so it's pretty much a stream cipher where there's a keystream xor'd with the plaintext.

$ nc 9543

Choose action:
1) Go to HQ
2) Go to Agent
<any other key>) exit
You are messenger. Your mission is to deliver message to our agent. Use name "geniya560766" for communication.

Message is securily encrypted with AES-OFB (key and IV already delivered with quantum channel). Just deliver this message: 


Choose action:
1) Go to HQ
2) Go to Agent
<any other key>) exit
Hello, delivery boy! Give me your name

Ok, give me message from HQ

Thank you. HQ posted here that you are untrusted, so i cant give you secret info.


Choose action:
1) Go to HQ
2) Go to Agent
<any other key>) exit

By modifying the message, a bit we get a "JSON corrupted." message. So assuming there's some "trusted": 1 entry, we'll just xor every position with 1 until we find it. Eventually at position 11 we get a message:

Ok, give me message from HQ


Thank you. HQ said that I can rely on you. Here is top secret message.
It is encrypted with public RSA key contained in message that you gave me.
Please deliver it to HQ as soon as posible.


Choose action:
1) Go to HQ
2) Go to Agent
<any other key>) exit

Cool, the pubkey is in the encrypted message. We can use the "JSON corrupted" error messages and a bit of scanning to figure out where n and e are and how they're formatted. Eventually, we find out that e is the last field and it's formatted as an int. Something like ...FIELDS...,"e":12345, where the int representation starts at position 331. Knowing that a safe choice for e is 65537, we can just xor the encrypted e with 65537 xor \x20\x20\x20\x201, so it should decrypt to <sp><sp><sp><sp>1 where <sp> is the space character - 0x20. Then we should just get \(m^1 \mod n \equiv m\)


from pwn import *
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
from Crypto.Util.strxor import strxor
import re
import string
hexa = re.compile(r'^([0-9a-fA-F]+)$', re.MULTILINE)

c = remote("", 9543)


pos_e = 331
print(c.readuntil("name \""))
name = c.readuntil("\"").replace('"', '')
print("GOT NAME: " + name)
print(c.readuntil("message: \r\n\r\n"))
ct = list(b64decode(c.readuntil("\n\n").strip()))
ct[11] = chr(ord(ct[11]) ^ 1)
se = strxor("65537", "\x20" * 4 + "1")
print("E XORD: %r" % se)
pxor = strxor(se, ''.join(ct[pos_e:pos_e+5]))
for i in range(pos_e, pos_e+5):
    ct[i] = pxor[i - pos_e]
ct = b64encode(''.join(ct))
print("GOT CT: " + ct)
print("CHANGED POSITION: " + str(pos_e))
print("EXIT< " + c.readuntil("exit\r\n"))
print("NAME< " + c.readuntil("name\r\n\r\n"))
c.send(name + "\r\n")
print("HQ< " + c.readuntil("HQ\r\n\r\n"))
c.send(ct + "\r\n")
exity = c.readuntil("exit\r\n")
print("EXIT< " + exity)

if "posible." in exity:
    msg =[0]
    print("GOT MESSAGE: " + msg)
    x = int(msg, 16)
    solved = long_to_bytes(x)
    if all(map(lambda s: s in string.printable, solved)):
        print("ALL PRINTABLE MESSAGE: " + solved)
GOT MESSAGE: 6374667a6f6e657b3046425f4d3064335f43346e375f243456335f4133245f4b33597d
ALL PRINTABLE MESSAGE: ctfzone{0FB_M0d3_C4n7_$4V3_A3$_K3Y}

