Random ECB
Random ECB
Random ECB
We are provided server.py
and a server:
- URL:
nc crypto.utctf.live 9003
- File: server.py
Server prepends the plaintext with a 50% chance of 'A', followed by the chosen plaintext and then the flag. After encrypting it, it returns the ciphertext. It uses AES in ECB mode, so it's therefore vulnerable to a Chosen Plaintext Attack.
import pwn
import string
conn = pwn.remote('crypto.utctf.live', 9003)
conn.recvuntil(b'Input a string to encrypt (input \'q\' to quit):\n')
def sr(msg):
conn.send(msg + b'\n')
conn.recvuntil(b'Here is your encrypted string, have a nice day :)\n')
res = conn.recv().split(b'\n')[0]
res = bytes.fromhex(res.decode())
return res
def srb(msg):
m1, m2 = sr(msg), sr(msg)
while m1 == m2:
m2 = sr(msg)
smsg = bytearray(b'A') + msg
sm = sr(smsg)
while sm != m1 and sm != m2:
sm = sr(smsg)
if sm == m1:
return m2
return m1
text = ""
plain = [ord(c) for c in text]
for block in range(1, 3):
for i in range(15, -1, -1):
p = bytearray(i * b'A')
res = srb(p)
b = res[block * 16 - 1]
print(f'Byte {i}, looking for {b}')
for c in string.printable:
print(f'Checking {c}')
ib = ord(c)
res = srb(p + bytearray(plain) + bytearray([ib]))
if res[block * 16 - 1] == b:
text += c
print(f'Flag is: [{text}]')